
The Systemic and Strategic approach

Approche systémique et stratégique.

The Systemic approach allows one to examine a problem in its context and in relationship to the people who contribute to it (often doing so unconsciously).

We work on “how to solve the problem” rather than on “why do we have a problem”. We look to define and understand what it is that keeps the problem in the forefront of existing interactions and, consequently, what could solve it by modifying certain dynamics.

This approach is designed to take little time (maximum of 10 sessions) since it focuses on the mobilization of resources you already possess. This allows you to take concrete action to become a change agent and rapidly adapt to any new situation that arises.

By choosing Systemic and Strategic coaching, you give yourself the possibility to gain new perspectives on existing and persistent problems by using your own competencies in new way.

You are able to transform problems by finding new solutions.

What our clients are saying !

During regular workshops with a dozen of school nurses, the systemic and strategic approach allowed us to find ways to solve problems within the group dynamic.


«Martine Eichenberger steered the group in a highly professional manner, establishing a bond of trust, inviting sharing and creativity, and allowing new possibilities to emerge. She is authentic, accessible, generous and conveys a beautiful energy.  She makes links with theory, innovates, uses different tools to enable playfulness, identify emotions and to understand the stakes, thereby initiating a process of change. This makes the invisible visible through practical tools and through the participants' eyes. A great experience that enhanced my personal skills. Thank you! »

– Anne-Catherine Gonvers, school nurse, PSPS unit

To find out more contact us.